Photo de Gautier


Phd Student in computer science at LIRIS in the Origami team and doctoral student representative at the Info/Maths doctoral school in Lyon

I am passionate about video games, skiing and hiking. Suggest me your best hikes !


Phd Project

Dynamic, virtual and tangible representations of the city

The aim of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of how digital and physical devices can help in understanding the evolution of the territory. European projects such as DUET, which aims to provide virtual replicas of cities that make it easy to understand the link between traffic, air quality, noise and other urban factors. By modelling the expected impacts of a potential change, it is possible to make decisions and better adapt future policy choices. Game engines are becoming increasingly interested in urban issues such as planning and development, as well as road traffic and autonomous vehicle testing.


Representation of urban geometry evolution through space-time cube

C.Gautier, J.Delanoy and G.Gesquiere

Visualizing and understanding the evolution of neighbourhoods in cities is crucial to the understanding of urban areas. While data exists to document the evolution of the urban places, we lack methods to clearly visualize the evolution of a city or a neighbourhood in time. We propose a new representation of the city that integrates 3D urban data with time, inspired by the Space-Time Cube concept. Our representation allows the visualization and comparison of different versions of the city in a single interactive 3D space, based on a graph model of the data. In addition to displaying the 3D geometry, we also integrate a direct visualization of the type of changes between each version and provide several ways to interact with the visualization. We apply our visualization technique on real urban data and show that it allows quickly apprehending the evolution of a neighbourhood.

Article link:

Code link:


UD-SV (Urban Data Services and Visualization) software project

C.Colin, C.Gautier, D.Vinasco-Alvarez, J.Delanoy, G.Gesquière, J.Samuel, S.Servigne, É.Boix, T.Dupont, M.Livebardon, V.Machado and L.Marnat

UD-SV is a set of components based on open code that allows to store, visualise, interact, navigate and query 2D and 3D city models, as well as temporal ones. UD-SV allows the integration of spatial, temporal and semantic data for urban analysis and for understanding its evolution. We describe the architecture, design, development and exemplify with some computational processes of UD-SV.

Article link:

Code link:

Online demo:


Nom de l'image
Nom de l'image

Integrating multimedia documents in 3D city models for a better understanding of territories

C.Gautier, J.Delanoy and G.Gesquiere

Digital 3D representations of urban areas, through their growing availability, are a helpful tool to better understand a territory. However, they lack contextual information about, for example, the history or functionality of buildings. On another side, multimedia documents like images, videos or texts usually contain such information. Crossing these two types of data can therefore help in the analysis and understanding of the organization of our cities. This could also be used to develop document search based on spatial navigation, instead of the classical textual query. In this paper, we propose four approaches to integrate multimedia documents in a 3D urban scene, allowing to contextualize the scene with any type of media. We combine these integration approaches with user guidance modes that allows to guide the user through the consumption of these media and support its understanding of the territory. We demonstrate the usefulness of these techniques in the context of different projects within the Lyon area (France). The use of multimedia documents integrated into a digital tour allows, for example, the iconic buildings to be contextualised or to understand the evolution of a territory through time.

Article link:

Code link:

Online demo:



Nom du projet

Boids algorithm

Development of the Boids algorithm in C# to simulate schools of fish. This project was realized in the framework of the IA course in M2 GAMAGORA

Youtube video
Nom du projet

Gratte-ciel Mock-up

Research project: Development of a tangible representation of the city in Lego.

  • Legonizer algorithm to transform geo data in CSV file to create the mock-up
  • Projection geo data layer on the top of the lego model to contextualize it
  • More
    Nom du projet


    UD-Viz is a 3-package JavaScript framework for creating web applications for visualizing and interacting with geospatial 3D urban data.

    Online Demo


    Master degree 2 in video games conceptions: GAMAGORA

    Lyon / France

    Specialisation in video game development:

  • Artificial Intelligence: A* / Dijkstra / Boids Algorithm / Neural network / Genetic algorithm
  • 3D programmation: OpenGL / Raycast
  • Final project: Development of Projet Aaron (video game) with a team of 12 students on Unreal Engine. Roles: Lead programmer / programmer IA
  • 2019/2020

    Master degree 1: IMAGINA

    Montpellier / France

    Train engineers and researchers specialised in the industries and laboratories of image and vision, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, video games and interactive simulation.


    Bachelor's degree in video game design: UQAC

    Chicoutimi / Canada

    Train versatile professionals with strong computer skills, able to participate in the development of high technology in companies in the electronic games industry, familiar with the non-technological aspects of their future profession, such as project management and production teams, and aware of the context and practices of the industry:

  • Develop the skills needed to carry out all the stages of creating a video game.
  • Master the design, development and maintenance of quality software, as well as object-oriented modelling (UML) and programming (C++).
  • Understand the theoretical foundations of the discipline, including in depth computer graphics and the programming of 2D and 3D graphic applications(WebGL)
  • 2017/2018

    DUT computer graphics: UCA

    Le Puy-en-Velay / France

    Train computer scientists who are immediately operational thanks to a high level of teaching. Students acquire a solid foundation in programming and computer science applied to the field of digital imaging.

  • Internship in Poland: Blender Scripting.
  • Final project: SampleTouch a QT project with group of 5 students.
  • Unity project: Video game development of 2D plateformer. Role: Integrator.
  • 2015/2017


    Introduction to programming

    Introduction to programming in the DU Infographiste course at GAMAGORA:

  • Scratch course
  • Script blender
  • Development of a video game with Unity
  • Promos: 2021/2022 - 2022/2023